Service offerings
- Enhanced ethnography
- Experience innovation workshop
- Concept optimization
- Iterative prototyping
- Structural packaging design
Kraft was facing tough regional competition in the category, and was looking to enhance the consumer experience across all touch points. As well, they were seeking operational efficiencies. Consumer and operations requirements came together to suggest the time had come to abandon the iconic glass jar.
Consumer visits brought consumers together with designers in true-to-life sandwich-making occasions at home. Observation inspired many preliminary structural concepts that addressed visible friction points. Deeper insights led us to empathize with mom’s emotional needs and to propose unexpected “delighter” features. Concept development, including form studies and ergonomic testing integrated the desired functionality into package shapes that also delivered on operational requirements.
“When mayo dries in the neck and lid…it gets real nasty.”
“That glass jar weighs a ton. And if I drop it…yikes!”
“I hate digging into those jars and getting mayo all over my hand.”
“I never know what to do with my yucky knife, covered in mayo.”
We helped Kraft to redefine the category from distribution to consumption. The change to plastic meant less weight to ship and for mom to lift—and less breakage on the road, in store and at home. The shape improved shipping efficiency and created a large, flat billboard for point of sale impact. Plus, the fridge fit and grip-ability was greatly improved. Lastly, the sandwich-making experience was vastly enhanced, with an easy-access hinged lid, and a no-cost-to-make knife scraper feature. This package has been running on all cylinders for years.